Family: Rosaceae

Common Name: ABC's of Ornamental Crabapples


An ever growing group (over 400) of small ornamental flowering trees. Besides picking a tree for flower color and fruit, disease resistance is an other aspect to consider about this plant.

Plant TypeAll Plants, Trees Deciduous
Sunlightfull sun
Soil & Siteaverage
FlowersThe flowers have: 5 petals can be single or double and come in a plethora of colors such as: white, red, coral, rose, purplish red, carmine etc.
FruitThe fruit comes in many colors and can persistent, some drop and become messy while others just seem to disappear. If the fruit is less than 2 inches in diameter it is considered to be a crab apple.
LeavesThe leaves are: simple, alternate, can be serrated or lobed and come in different shades of green, purples and burgundy. Many have fall color of ornamental value.
DimensionsThere are a few shorter varieties but most fall into the 15-25' height range
MaintenanceA whole slew of disease and insects are attracted these trees. Most of the modern cultivars are resistant to these problems. Common diseases are fire blight, scab, leaf spot etc.
PropagationAlthough a few may come true from seed most are propagated by grafting and rooted cuttings.
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr),#93-North American Landscape Trees (Arthur Lee Jacobson),#102-Flowering Crabs The Genus Malus (John Fiala)
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