Family: Ranunculaceae

Scientific Name: Aquilegia chrysantha

Common Name: Golden Columbine


Golden Columbine (Aquilegia chrysantha) is an easy to grow Columbine with large yellow flowers.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone3-9
Sunlightfull to partial sun
Moistureaverage to moist
Soil & Siteaverage to rich
Flowers2-3", deep yellow sepals and lighter petals with long spurs
Leavesternate, leaflets downy on their undersides.
DimensionsDepending on the growing site it can reach 2.5-3.5 feet tall. Freely branching and seldom needs to be staked.
MaintenanceAs the foliage gets shabby and leaf minors invade the leaves, cut back the plant. It will respond with fresh foliage and few flowers will appear in the fall. Leaf minors won't kill the plant they just create yellow streaks in the leaves. This Columbine will jump around the garden.
PropagationEasy from fresh seed. Old seed can develope a dormancy.
Misc FactsThe word Aquilegia stands for eagle in Latin. The flower is a symbol for folly. Maybe because it resembles a jesters hat. New Mexico and Texas
Notes & Reference#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #55-The Garden Book for Wisconsin (Melinda Myers), #176-Aquilegia (Robert Nord)
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