Family: Lythraceae

Scientific Name: Lythrum alatum

Common Name: Winged Loosestrife

DescriptionDon't confuse this native prairie wildflower and it's "Bad Boy" invasive weed cousin "Purple Loosestrife".
Plant TypeAll Plants, Wild Flowers
Soil & SiteFound growing in marshes, drainage ditches, along streams, wet prairies and wet pastures.
Flowersgreenish tube with 6 purple petals, occur solitary in the axis of the leaves, some have 6 protruding styles, some have all the parts in the corolla tube
Leavesopposite on the lower stem and alternate above, shiny green upper surface, up to 2 inches long with the leaves on the upper stem being much smaller.
Stemssmooth, hairless, 4-angles and slightly winged
Dimensionsup to 2 feet tall
Misc FactsThe genus names alatum refers to the winged characteristic of the stem.
Notes & Reference#56-Tall Grass Prairie Wildflowers (Doug Ladd)
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