Family: Araceae
Scientific Name: Philodendron scandens oxycardium
Common Name: Heartleaf Philodendron, Sweetheart Plant
Description | An undemanding easy to grow and widely sold Philodendron. Tolerates the low lit areas of the interior. One of the original indoor plants. |
Plant Type | All Plants, Indoor Foliage |
Hardiness Zone | 10a-11 |
Sunlight | prefers bright to moderate, tolerates low |
Moisture | evenly moist to slightly dry |
Growing Media | average house |
Temperature | average house |
Leaves | green, heart shaped, have a bronze tinge |
Dimensions | easily grows over 6 feet in length. |
Maintenance | Pinch out growing tips to keep the plant compact. |
Propagation | tip cuttings, leaf/mallet cuttings, compound layering |
Native Site | Puerto Rico, Jamaica |
Author's Notes | This plant is highly rated for its ability to remove formaldehyde from the air. It is slightly toxic. |
Notes & Reference | #70-Indoor Plants (Courtier and Clark),#72-The New House Plant Survival Manual |
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