Family: Poaceae

Scientific Name: Bouteloua curtipendula

Common Name: Side-Oats Grama


Side-Oats Grama (Bouteloua curtipendula) A native grass that forms small tufts of narrow leaves with arching flower scapes followed by dry seed heads resemble oats.

Plant TypeGrass Ornamental, Wild Flowers
Hardiness Zone5
Moistureaverage to dry
Soil & SiteFound growing on dry hillsides and in well drained prairies.
FlowersThe flowers are found in two rows clustered mostly on one side of the flower stalk. In full bloom the bright reddish orange stamens create a floral display, other wise the flowers are inconspicuous.
Fruitdry seed heads resemble oats
LeavesThe leaves are: gray-green, about 12" long, 1/4" wide, widely spaced hairs, bumps along the edge and have pointed tips.
DimensionsWith the flower stalks reaches about 3'.
Native SiteNative tall grass prairie grass.
Notes & Reference#56-Tall Grass Prairie Wildflowers (Doug Ladd), #222-The Encyclopedia of Grasses for Livable Landscapes (Rick Darke)
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