Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Rudbeckia hirta Prairie Sun

Common Name: Prairie Sun Rudbeckia

DescriptionOne of the newer selection of Rudbeckia hirta.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Annuals
Sunlightbest in full sun but will tolerate some shade.
Moisturemoderate, tolerate some dryness once established
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowers5 inches, bi color with golden ray flowers, appeared to be tipped in bright yellow, grown as annual but is really a biennial.
Fruitachene (a dry fruit where the seed separates from the seed coat)
Leavescoarse dark green, basal clumps, smaller stem leaves
Stemshas short bristles
DimensionsReaches 2-3 feet tall
Cultivar OriginBred by Ernst Benary of Germany. A 2003 All American Selections winner and a Flueroselect winner in Europe.
Misc FactsThe genus name Rudbeckia is named after Olof Rudbeck the Elder and his son Olof Rudbeck the Younger. Two Swedish botanists who were friends of Linnaeus.
Author's NotesI have seen Rudbeckia hirta hybrids listed as low as hardiness zone #4, usually #5. In hardiness zone #5 where I garden, these plants are temperamental perennials. Best grown as annuals.
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