Family: Orobanchaceae

Scientific Name: Agalinis tenuifolia

Common Name: Slender False Foxglove


Slender False Foxglove (Agalinis tenuifolia) is a slender stemmed flowering annual whose roots may be parasitic to other plants. Has purple-pink Foxglove-like flowers. 

Plant TypeWild Flowers
Hardiness Zone5
Sunlightfull to partial sun
Moisturemoist to slightly dry, can tolerate some draught
Soil & Sitefound growing in moist sites
Flowers5 regular parts, pink to magenta, rarely white with two yellow stripes and dots, only a few bloom at the same time, 2 upper lobes form a hood over the white stamens, an annual
Fruitround capsule with dark triangular seeds
Leavesslender, up to 3", opposite, long, glabrous, sessile, tenuifolia refers to slender leaves
Stemsslender, angular, much branching, green to reddish purple
Rootsfibrous, partially parasitic to other plants
Dimensionsheight of 30"
Native Siteeastern and southwestern United States, and Canada
Misc Facts(syn. Gerardia tenuifolia), AKA: , Slender Gerardia, Slender Agalinis, Common False Foxglove
Notes & Reference#56-Tall Grass Prairie Wildflowers (Doug Ladd) ,#153-Illinois Wild Flower (, #191-Minnesota Wild Flowers (
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