Family: Lamiaceae

Scientific Name: Salvia sinaloensis

Common Name: Sinaloa Blue Sage

DescriptionA native Mexican Salvia with true blue flowers.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennial Tender
Hardiness Zone(7)8
Soil & Siteprefers well drained soil
Temperaturehardy to 20 degrees F
Flowersdeep blue whorls of sable blue calyxes on upright airy spikes, subtle white lines on the lower lip
Leavesdark green, narrow, has texture and purple hues
Stemsunderground rhizomes
Dimensions6-12" tall by a spread of 15-18", spreading by runners
Native SiteNative to the Mexican Province of Sinaloa.
Cultivar OriginIntroduced in the 1980's.
Notes & Reference#87-The New Book of Salvias (Betsy Clebsch), Digging Dog Nursery web site
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