Family: Rosaceae

Scientific Name: Sorbus aucuparia

Common Name: European Mountain Ash

DescriptionA very showy tree but plagued by problems caused from stress, heat and lack of moisture.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Trees Deciduous
Hardiness Zone3-7
MoisturePrefers average to moist conditions, avoid hot dry sites.
Soil & SiteGrows best in well drained acidic soils.
Flowerswhite, mid to end of May, malodorous, borne on flat top corymbs.
Fruitroundish orange to red pome found in clusters, not persistent
Leavesalternate, pinnately compound, 9-15 leaflets per leaf, leaflets are serrated, dull green in the summer green to yellowish fall color
DimensionsReaches 20-40 feet tall with 2/3 spread.
Propagationcold stratified seeds
Native SiteNative to Europe to western Asia to Siberia.
Author's NotesI have seen old specimens of this tree in the landscape and have watched younger plants quickly die. I think they could be site specific plants.
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Dirr), #245-Trees for American Gardens (Donald Wyman)
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