Family: Hydrangeaceae

Scientific Name: Hydrangea macrophylla Nikko Blue

Common Name: Nikko Blue Hydrangea

DescriptionOne of the earlier blue cultivars hardy to zone #5. Probably wouldn't waste my time growing this in zone #5, since it has been superseded by many other Hydrangea.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone(5)6-9
Soil & Siteph of the soil will determine the color of the flower
TemperatureIn zone #5 this plant has winter killed to ground level almost every year. This effects the flower production and ultimate size of the plant.
Flowersblue in acid soils and pink in basic
Leaves4-8" long, simple, opposite and have a fleshy, waxy feel
DimensionsCan reach up to 6 feet but seems to winter kill back to the ground and the height is more around 3-4 feet.
Propagationsoftwood cuttings
Author's NotesMy experience is this not a good dependable plant for hardiness zone #5 in southeastern Wisconsin. Very little flower production because of winter kill. But I have people tell me they have some luck with Nikko Blue.
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