Family: Piperaceae
Scientific Name: Peperomia clusiifolia variegata
Common Name: Variegated Red Edged Peperomia
Description | A colourful easy to grow indoor plant for the bright to moderate window. |
Plant Type | All Plants, Indoor Foliage |
Hardiness Zone | 10-11 |
Sunlight | moderate to bright, strong direct light can cause brown burn areas on the leaves |
Moisture | slightly dry, prefers added humidity |
Growing Media | well drained average house |
Temperature | doesn't like draughts or cold windows |
Flowers | Densely packed spikes of tiny flowers resembling a rat’s tail. |
Leaves | narrow oval to oval widest toward the tip, green, red to burgundy, silver to cream, variegated, succulent |
Propagation | tip cuttings |
Native Site | Caribbean, Brazil |
Author's Notes | I found this an easy plant to grow. Just watch the watering and grow in a well drained growing media. |
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