Family: Berberidaceae

Scientific Name: Mahonia aquifolium

Common Name: Oregon Grape Holly


Oregon Grape Holly (Mahonia aquifolium) is a  small broad leaf evergreen shrub with glossy dark green leaves and yellow flowers. Does best in a sheltered site to survive in zone #5.

Plant TypeShrubs Broadleaf Evergreen
Hardiness Zone5-7
Sunlighttolerates the sun but prefers some shade.
Soil & Siteprefers moist, well drained acid soils
Flowersbright yellow flowers in the early spring contrast with the dark green shiny foliage.
Fruitdark blue looks like grapes but is a true berry.
Leavesshiny, dark green, evergreen, opposite, pinnate compound, stiff and have a purple fall color.
Dimensionssmall shrub
Native SiteNative to British Columbia Canada to Oregon USA.
Cultivar OriginIntroduced in 1823.
Misc FactsThe genus name is in honor of Bernard M'Mahon (1775-1816) an American horticulturist. The species name is from the classical name for holly "aquifolium".
Author's NotesI have seen this plant growing in a protected site at Boerner Botanical Gardens (zone #5) for many years. It seems to do well on this site.
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr)
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