Family: Campanulaceae

Scientific Name: Campanula persicifolia

Common Name: Blue Peachleaf Bell Flower

DescriptionA medium plant that produces slender racemes of blue bell shaped flowers.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone3-6
Sunlightfull sun, mostly sunny, part sun
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowersbroadly bell shaped, blue, borne in an inflorescence called a raceme, start blooming mid May
Leavesforms a basal rosette, leaves less frequent and smaller up the stem, basal leaves are 4-8" while the sessile stems leaves are 2-4" long, basal leaves are somewhat evergreen in zone #5
Dimensions2'-3' tall by 18" spread, forms clumps as more stems clump off the base
MaintenanceWhen deadheading this plant be careful not to damage the new buds that are forming on the same stem. Rejuvenation of the plant by dividing every 2-3 years helps to keep the plant fresh and productive, can spread by volunteer seedlings.
Propagationseeds, division or top cuttings
Native SiteEurope, North Africa, Asia
Author's NotesThis has always been one of my favorite plants. I like to group them together in a mass for a more dramatic show of color. There are over 15 different cultivars of Campanula persicifolia.
Notes & Reference#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage) , #06-Perennials for the American Gardens (Clasusen and Ekastro), #54-The Well Tended Garden (DiSabato-Aust), #123-Dwarf Campanula (Graham Nicholls)
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