Family: Piperaceae

Scientific Name: Peperomia obtusifolia

Common Name: Baby Rubber Plant


Baby Rubber Plant (Peperomia obtusifolia) is an old-time favorite, easy to grow indoor house plant. Has glossy green succulent leaves with red stems.

Plant TypeAll Plants, Indoor Foliage
Hardiness Zone9-12
SunlightWill easily burn in direct strong of light. Best is bright to shaded.
MoistureThis Peperomia is fairly succulent having layer of transparent cells on the leaves that prevents evaporation. Approach dryness between watering to avoid rotting.
Growing Mediaaverage house to well drained
Temperatureaverage house to warm
FlowersHas typical Peperomia flowers that are spikes and look like a rat's tail.
LeavesThick, succulent, rubber like green leaves.
DimensionsThis small shrubby species never seems to beadle to decide if it wants to be an upright or cascading plant. They are easy to grow in pots ranging from 4-6 inches.
MaintenancePrune to maintain size and form.
PropagationThis plant easily roots from cuttings. Many members of this genus root from leaf/petiole cuttings. I have tried this plant and I get a rooted leaf but never formed a plant for me.
Native SiteFound growing in the wild in south Florida's Everglades, as well as southern Mexico, Central America and northern South America.
Cultivar OriginA. Dietrich 1831
Misc FactsAKA: Baby Rubber Tree, Baby Rubberplant, Pepper face, Bluntleaf Peperomia
Author's NotesHave grown this plant for many years. Just watch the watering, use well drained growing media and find the right light.
Notes & Reference#236-Succulent Plants (, #274-Gardenia (, Site author's observations and growing experience
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