Family: Amarylidaceae

Common Name: Triandrus Daffodils, Angels Tears Daffodils


Triandrus Daffodils are a group of plants growing from bulbs. They have 2-3 fragrant, pendulous flowers per stem, which are yellow or white.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizoms, etc.
Hardiness Zone(3)4-9
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny
Moistureaverage, moist, damp
Soil & Sitewell-drained, moist
FlowersSmall to medium-sized fragrant yellow or white flowers bloom in mid-to-late spring, with 2-3 flowers per stem. The perianth petals flare away from the bell-shaped cup, making it more conspicuous. The flowers are pendent or semi-pendent.
Fruitshiny black seeds
LeavesThe green leaves are unpalatable to animals since they contain raphides or crystals that irritate the soft tissue.
StemsSmooth, rounded snub, nosed bulbs.
Dimensions6-14 inches tall
MaintenanceCutting back the plants when they are 75% or more died back.
Propagationseeds, division, chipping
Native SiteNative to France, Spain, and Portugal, where it grows in woodlands, scrubland, and exposed mountain habitats in acidic soils.
Notes & Reference#57-Spring Flowering Bulbs (Dr. A.A. DeHertogh), #64-Daffodils for North American Gardens Brett And Becky Hearth)
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