Family: Aceraceae

Scientific Name: Acer saccharinum natural site

Common Name: Silver Maple


Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum) is a large, fast growing Maple tree. It produces large amounts of seeds and will reseed most everywhere in your yard and has escaped into natural areas.

Plant TypeAll Plants, Trees Deciduous
Hardiness Zone3-9
Moistureprefers moist, very adapatable
Soil & Siteprefers moist, found growing along stream banks, prefers slightly acid soils, will grow on very poor soils
FlowersThe monoecious greenish yellow to red flowers are produced before the leaves in pendulous clusters.
Fruit1-2.5 inch samara or winged fruit, produced in large numbers.
LeavesLeaves are simple: opposite, 5 lobed, green on top, silvery below and fall color can be variable ranging from a poor pale yellow to a nice clear bright yellow.
DimensionsA very rapid grower reaching 50-70 plus feet in height.
MaintenanceA weak wooded plant that constantly drops branches and twigs. Subject to lots of wind and ice damage.
Propagationvery easy from seed
Misc FactsIntroduced in 1725 AKA: , Soft Maple, River Maple, White Maple (natural site)
Author's NotesI inherited two very large Silver Maples at our new house. Although they are nice looking large shade trees, they are shallow rooted and very messy. There are better trees to use in the urban landscape.
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