Family: Araceae

Scientific Name: Philodendron Narrow

Common Name: Philodendron Jungle Boogie, Philodendron Narrow Tiger Tooth, Philodendron Narrow Green


Tiger Tooth Philodendron (Philodendron narrow) is an easy-to-care-for house plant. It has solid-colored green leaves with serrated edges.

Plant TypeIndoor Foliage, Perennial Tender, Tropical herbaceous plants
Sunlightbright to bright indirect
MoistureAverage: Don't overwater; allow for slight drying between waterings, 50% or greater humidity.
Growing Mediaaverage house plant mix
Temperature65-80°F (18-27°C)
LeavesThe leaves are wavy, waxy, and long, with serrated green leaves.
DimensionsIt is a medium-sized, self-heading plant with big leaves. Self-heading plants have short, stout stems and grow upright, with closely spaced leaves hiding the stem.
Propagationstem cuttings
Native SiteNative to tropical regions of South America
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