Family: Asclepiadaceae

Scientific Name: Hoya x Wayetti Variegated

Common Name: Hoya Wayetti Variegated, Hoya wayetii 'Tri-Color


Hoya Wayetti Variegated (Hoya) is a trailing succulent plant with slender, pointed leaves that, in the proper light, display cream and pink variegation.

Plant TypeIndoor Foliage, Succulents, Perennial Tender, Vines, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone10
SunlightProviding the right amount of light for optimal growth and foliage color is essential. The pink, cream, and green may not be as vibrant in lower light conditions, while too much light can cause fading or burning. A bright window with bright indirect light is a good starting point for indoor growth. I successfully grew this plant outdoors on the east side of my house, where direct morning sun caused the foliage to fade. However, positioning it where it received indirect morning sun during the end of the morning direct sun resulted in vibrant foliage. During winter, it thrives in an east or south-facing window. I live in hardiness zone 5b.
MoistureWater the plant when the top layer of the growing media is dry. In well-draining media it can be kept almost evenly moist.
TemperatureGrowing outside, it tolerated to the upper 40 degrees F.
FlowersThe wine-colored flowers appear in clusters and emit a fragrant aroma. Other Hoyas I have grown had a sweet, fragrant smell.
LeavesThe leaves are slender, pointed (lanceolate leaf shape), and variegated in cream and pink. Many leaves have so much variegation that only the margins remain green. The amount of variegation depends on the light intensity. In dimmer areas, variegation is less pronounced. In bright morning light, the creams and pinks become more apparent.
StemsProduces wiry stems that can be trained on a trellis or grown as a hanging basket.
DimensionsThey are reported to reach 3 feet long.
MaintenanceI fertilize the plants every two to three weeks during the summer using an organic houseplant fertilizer, and I do so rarely when they are growing indoors.
Misc FactsIt is an epiphytic plant.
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