Family: Cactaceae

Scientific Name: Cereus forbesii Spiralis

Common Name: Spiral Cactus, Twisted Cactus


Twisted Cactus (Cereus forbesii Spiralis) is a Cactus with cylindrical twisted spiral stems.

Plant TypeCactus, Perennial Tender
Hardiness Zone10
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny
Moistureaverage, dry
Soil & Sitewell drained
Growing Mediacactus succulent mix
Temperaturenot cold tolerant
FlowersPlants bear funnel-shaped flowers that open at night and last for no more than 24 hours. They are prolific bloomers, typically producing pinkish-white to red flowers.
Fruitpurple fruit
StemsSpiral-shaped grey stems are covered with a dense pruina coating and have short spines. The stems have five to nine widely spaced ribs.
Dimensions8 plus feet, much smaller in pots in colder regions
PropagationCuttings of the spiral stems.
Native SiteBrazil, South America
Cultivar OriginA few branches from the original plant were imported to Europe around 1980.
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