Description | Maui Gold Elephant Ears (Colocasia esculenta) is a large tender perennial with chartreuse foliage. |
Plant Type | Indoor Foliage, Perennial Tender, Tender perennials often grown as annuals |
Sunlight | full sun, part sun |
Moisture | Prefers moist and quickly wilts, especially when root-bound in the pot |
Soil & Site | average, humusy, moist |
Growing Media | average |
Leaves | Leaves are large, textured, and chartreuse colored. This is only from a few observations, but it seems plants grown in full sun have more highly textured leaves. |
Roots | fibrous |
Dimensions | 36-40 x 24-36 inches (HS) probably larger in warmer zones |
Maintenance | Prune the dying bottom leaves. Dig the corms after the first frost. Clean and store in a cool and dry place. Check periodically for dehydration. If they do dehydrate, either mist (heavy) or put them in a pail of water for a few minutes. The smaller the corms, the quicker they dry out. |
Propagation | PP 24,482, division of corm |
Author's Notes | I have grown many types of Elephant Ears over the years in pots on my patio (zone #5). They are large, bold plants. If the corms reach a good size, they are relatively easy to over winter. |