Family: Rosaceae

Scientific Name: Rosa x Charles Aznavour

Common Name: Rosa Charles Aznavour; Rosa 'Meibeausai'


Charles Aznavour Rose (Rosa) is a floribunda a shrub Rose that produces a large number of rose-white blend flowers.

Plant TypeShrubs Rose
Hardiness Zone(5)6
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, some shade
Soil & Siteaverage
FlowersThis rose is a floribunda-producing double white, near-white, or white blend flowers and is reported to be a rebloomer.
Fruitrose hip
LeavesThe leaves are green and simple, and the glossy upper surface helps resist leaf disease.
RootsThe branches of the shrubs are armed with thorns. Botanically, the thorns are actually prickles.
Dimensions2-3 by 3-4 feet (HS), mounded
MaintenanceI prefer to keep my plants on the smaller side. To achieve this, I cut back the new branches by 33-50% every 1-3 years in the spring. If you want a larger plant, let them grow more and prune less. However, giving the plant a good hard pruning every once in a while is beneficial. Each spring, I remove old dead stems from the center and trim off the dead tips of branches. Since this plant is very thorny, wearing a long-sleeved shirt and a good pair of gloves is essential. Using long-reach rose pruners makes the pruning job much more manageable. Deadheading helps promote quicker flushes of flowers, but it also means losing the rose hips, so it's a matter of personal preference.
Cultivar OriginAlain Meilland, France, 1988
Misc FactsIt was named after singer/songwriter Charles Aznavour, born in Paris, France 1924.
Notes & Reference#107-American Rose Society Encyclopedia of Roses (Charles and Brigid Quest-Ritson), #111-Botanica's Roses, #274-Site Authors' observations and growing experiences of different shrub Roses
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