Description | Charles Aznavour Rose (Rosa) is a floribunda a shrub Rose that produces a large number of rose-white blend flowers. |
Plant Type | Shrubs Rose |
Hardiness Zone | (5)6 |
Sunlight | full, mostly sunny, some shade |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average |
Flowers | This rose is a floribunda-producing double white, near-white, or white blend flowers and is reported to be a rebloomer. |
Fruit | rose hip |
Leaves | The leaves are green and simple, and the glossy upper surface helps resist leaf disease. |
Roots | The branches of the shrubs are armed with thorns. Botanically, the thorns are actually prickles. |
Dimensions | 2-3 by 3-4 feet (HS), mounded |
Maintenance | I prefer to keep my plants on the smaller side. To achieve this, I cut back the new branches by 33-50% every 1-3 years in the spring. If you want a larger plant, let them grow more and prune less. However, giving the plant a good hard pruning every once in a while is beneficial. Each spring, I remove old dead stems from the center and trim off the dead tips of branches. Since this plant is very thorny, wearing a long-sleeved shirt and a good pair of gloves is essential. Using long-reach rose pruners makes the pruning job much more manageable. Deadheading helps promote quicker flushes of flowers, but it also means losing the rose hips, so it's a matter of personal preference. |
Cultivar Origin | Alain Meilland, France, 1988 |
Misc Facts | It was named after singer/songwriter Charles Aznavour, born in Paris, France 1924. |
Notes & Reference | #107-American Rose Society Encyclopedia of Roses (Charles and Brigid Quest-Ritson), #111-Botanica's Roses, #274-Site Authors' observations and growing experiences of different shrub Roses |