Family: Lamiaceae

Scientific Name: Scutellaria alpina Alba

Common Name: White Alpine Skull Cap


White Alpine Skull Cap (Scutellaria alpina Alba) is a low-growing rhizomatous, herbaceous perennial.  Native to rocky-limey alpine areas. Grows best in full sun limey soils. A white flowering variation of the violet Alpine Skull Cap.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone4
Sunlightfull, light shade
Soil & Siteaverage, well-drained, prefers lime soils (basic)
Flowersbilabiate, borne in tight racemes lower lip and upper hood, white
Leavessimple, hairy oval, somewhat crenate, dark grey-green
Stemssquare, branched, somewhat woody
Dimensions6 by 12 inches (HS)
PropagationCold stratification of seeds increases the germination rate. Also, it can be increased by cuttings.
Misc FactsThe common name skullcap refers to the cap-like shape of the flowers and seed capsules, which purportedly resembled the military helmets worn by men in the Middle Ages. Scutellaria is derived from the Latin scutella, meaning a small dish, tray, or platter, referring to the sepals that appear this way during the fruiting period.
Notes & Reference#97-Mints (Barbara Perry Lawton), #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens website (, #164-Heritage Flower Farm (, #218-Flora of Wisconsin (,
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