Description | White Alpine Skull Cap (Scutellaria alpina Alba) is a low-growing rhizomatous, herbaceous perennial. Native to rocky-limey alpine areas. Grows best in full sun limey soils. A white flowering variation of the violet Alpine Skull Cap. |
Pronunciation | (skew-teh-LARE-ee)(AL-pin-ah) |
Plant Type | Perennials Hardy |
Hardiness Zone | 4 |
Sunlight | full, light shade |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average, well-drained, prefers lime soils (basic) |
Flowers | bilabiate, borne in tight racemes lower lip and upper hood, white |
Leaves | simple, hairy oval, somewhat crenate, dark grey-green |
Stems | square, branched, somewhat woody |
Dimensions | 6 by 12 inches (HS) |
Propagation | Cold stratification of seeds increases the germination rate. Also, it can be increased by cuttings. |
Misc Facts | The common name skullcap refers to the cap-like shape of the flowers and seed capsules, which purportedly resembled the military helmets worn by men in the Middle Ages. Scutellaria is derived from the Latin scutella, meaning a small dish, tray, or platter, referring to the sepals that appear this way during the fruiting period. |
Notes & Reference | #97-Mints (Barbara Perry Lawton), #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens website (, #164-Heritage Flower Farm (, #218-Flora of Wisconsin (, |