Family: Poaceae

Scientific Name: Schizachyrium scoparium Nonwrrar

Common Name: Little Arrow Little Blue Stem


Little Arrow Litle Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) was selected in the wild for its upright qualities. The foliage starts green-bronze and progressively turns a richer bronze color throughout the growing season.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Grass Ornamental
Hardiness Zone3-9
Moistureaverage, moist
Soil & Siteaverage, dry, well-drained, sandy
Flowersdark seed heads appear in early fall, borne on an inflorescence as a single raceme
Leavesgreen-bronze and progressively turns a richer bronze color throughout the growing season
Dimensions24-30 by 20-24 inches (HS), compact upright
MaintenanceCut down in the fall or allow it to remain over winter to add interest in the landscape.
Native SiteSpecies Little Blue Stem native to the North American prairies.
Misc FactsGenus name Schizachyrium from schizo for "to split" in part. Species name scoparium from Latin scopa for "broom". SYN: Andropogon scoparius
Author's NotesAs of 2023, I have seen this plant only a few times, and there is little information on it.
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