Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Rudbeckia triloba Prairie Glow

Common Name: Prairie Glow Rudbeckia


Prairie Glow Rudbeckia (Rudbeckia triloba) is a cultivar of the native Brown Eyed Susan. It grows in moist to average soil and produces masses of red-orange daisy flowers.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Biennials, Short lived perennials
Hardiness Zone5-7
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, some shade
Moisturemoist, average
Soil & Siteprefers moist moderately rich soils, tolerates average
FlowersThe red-orange flowers have golden tips and are 1-2 inches in diameter. They are smaller than many of our other native Rudbeckia species, but they make up for it in numbers. The blooms have 8-10 rays with a dark brown to black center, and they can last for almost two months.
FruitA dry fruit where the seed separates from the seed coat (achene).
Dimensions3-5 by 2-3 feet (HS) mounding
MaintenanceCut back to the ground in the fall. Will ressed and some ofthe voluteer seedlings may need to be rogued out.
Propagationseeds. division, cuttings
Native SiteSpecies plant native to areas of North America.
Cultivar OriginAmerican Beauties Native Plants®, Connecticut, USA
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