Family: Poaceae

Scientific Name: Phalaris arundinacea Feesey

Common Name: Strawberries and Cream Ribbon Grass, Feesey Ribbon Grass


Strawberries and Cream (Phalaris arundinacea) is a variegated grass that develops a pink blush in cooler weather. It is highly aggressive and spreads by rhizomes.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Grass Ornamental
Hardiness Zone4-8
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, some shade
Soil & Siteaverage
Temperaturecool season grass.
FlowersPanicles of tiny flowers appear in early summer.
LeavesThe narrow linear green to gray-green leaves have a lot of white. Many times, it is more white than green. Has a pinkish tinge in cool weather.
DimensionsThis plant spreads aggressively through its rhizomes and can reach a height of 2 feet with the flower stalk.
Maintenancecut back in the fall
Cultivar OriginNamed for Mervyn Freesey, a British horticulturist and grass specialist.
Misc FactsThe common names 'Strawberries and Cream' and Freesey Ribbon grass are interchangeable.
Author's NotesThis plant is very aggressive and spreads by rhizomes. Make sure it is used in a spot that can contain it, like an area between a sidewalk and the foundation of a house.
Notes & Reference#222-The Encyclopedia of Grasses for Livable Landscapes (Rick Darke), #270-North Carolina Extention Gardener Tool Box (
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