Family: Poaceae

Scientific Name: Andropogon gerardii 'RedBull' gerardii Red Bull

Common Name: Red Bull Big Blue Stem


Red Bull Big Blue Stem (Andropogon gerardii) is a deciduous ornamental grass that can reach up to 5 feet tall. It features bluish-gray leaves and purplish seed heads at the top, making it a beautiful vertical addition to any garden. 

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Grass Ornamental
Soil & Siteaverage
Leavesorange to red fall color
Dimensions5-6 by 1-2 feet (HS) vertical growth form
MaintenanceCut down in the fall or allow to remain over winter for added interest in the landscape. Cut back before the new growth starts in the spring.
Native SiteSpecies plants native to the tall grass prairies of North America.
Cultivar OriginA seed strain developed by Intrinsic Perennials that has a more pronounced red fall color in October
Misc FactsFrom the Greek words "andros" man and "pogon" beard. The common name for the turkey foot comes from the inflorescence shape that vaguely resembles a turkey's foot.
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