Family: Crassulaceae

Scientific Name: Aeonium haworthii Kiwi

Common Name: Kiwi Aeonium


Aeonium 'Kiwi' is an evergreen succulent.  Forms a rosette of spoon-shaped colorful leaves succulent leaves.  The leaves can be colored green, yellow, and rose simultaneously.

Plant TypeSucculents, Perennial Tender
Hardiness Zone10
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny
MoistureAverage, approach dryness,
Soil & Siteaverage, well-drained
Growing Mediacactus and succulent mix
Temperaturenot cold hardy, 40 degrees F is probably the bottom cold temperature
Flowersgolden racemes of star-shaped flowers
LeavesThe name Kiwi refers to the green of the succulent rosettes of leaves. The leaves can simultaneously have green, yellow, and rose colors, which gives one of its names as Tri-Color Aeonium. The color becomes more profound in the hot sun, and deeper yellow appears on the leaves.
Stemsform canes
DimensionsIt can get over 2 feet in warm climates but much smaller in cooler climates and indoor culture.
Propagationleaf cuttings, stem cuttings (cane cuttings)
Native SiteCanary Islands and Northern Africa.
Misc Facts"In their native habitat, these plants would grow in spring and fall and dormant during the hot, dry summer and mild, wet winter. In our very different climate, however, they will continue to grow throughout the summer. Water deeply during the growing season, and allow the growing medium to dry thoroughly between waterings. Gradually reduce watering at the end of the season. During winter, keep under cool temperatures (50°F) and restrict water to just enough to keep the foliage from shriveling." (#282)
Notes & Reference#282-Wisconsin Horticulture Extention-Susan Mahr (//
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