Family: Cactaceae

Common Name: Ariocarpus


Ariocarpus is a tough plant found growing in the Chihuahuan Desert from the State of Texas all the way down to Queretaro, Mexico.  There are six different species with a few subspecies. They were found growing in the hot, dry desert and mimicking the rocks and sand to hide from hungry herbivores.

Plant TypeCactus, Perennial Tender
Hardiness Zone8b-11
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny
Moistureaverage to dry during the growing season and dry during the dormant time
Soil & Sitewell drained
Growing Mediawell drained and gritty
Temperaturetolerates cooler temperature
FlowersPink or white borne from around the apex through the wool.
Leavesgrayish green, compact, lacking ribs and spines, ribs replaced by tubercules
Rootsforms a thick tap root
Dimensions3 by 8 inches (HS), very slow growing, forms a star-shaped rosette
PropagationGrowing from seeds can be challenging due to the slow growth and keeping the seedlings alive.
Native SiteIndigenous to the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, and Zacatecas. It grows alongside and near the Rio Grande River. Additionally, the species is found in Texas.
Cultivar OriginFirst described by Michel Scheidweiler in 1838. The final term of Ariocarpus was accepted around 1900.
Misc FactsThis plant has six species, making it a small genus: Ariocarpus agavoides, bravoanus, fissuratus, kotschoubeyanus, retuses, and scaphirostris. There are also a few subspecies
Notes & Reference#15-Cactus Lexicon (Backeberg), Magic Cactus (
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