Description | Petunia Supertunia Mini Vista Yellow is a trailing yellow Petunia great for hanging baskets and containers. |
Plant Type | Annuals, Site author's observations |
Hardiness Zone | 10 |
Sunlight | full, mostly sunny |
Moisture | average, has some drought tolerance once established |
Soil & Site | average |
Growing Media | average patio |
Temperature | heat tolerant |
Flowers | yellow to soft yellow, smaller flowers, forms a funnel-shaped corolla tube that flares into a broad lip, sits in a calyx consisting of five sepals, |
Leaves | alternate and covered with a viscid pubescence, making them sticky when pinched |
Dimensions | 6-12 inches tall, spreads 18-24 inches, space 12-18 inches, mounding trailing growth habit |
Maintenance | Listed as not needing to be deadhead. I have found that this Petunia only needs a little bit of deadheading. Some pruning to maintain shapes and size. |
Propagation | cuttings |