Description | Super Fuzzy Panda Plant (Kalanchoe tomentosa) is a variety of Panda Plant with longer fuzzier hair. |
Plant Type | Succulents, Perennial Tender |
Hardiness Zone | (9)10-11 |
Sunlight | This plant needs to receive more sunlight to grow in its proper form. When it does not receive direct sunlight, it tends to lose its silvery color and instead turns into a gray-green color. In addition, the brown margins of the leaves will disappear, and the plant will lose its shape. |
Moisture | dry out between waterings |
Soil & Site | average, well-drained |
Temperature | likes it warm, not frost tolerant |
Flowers | can be shy to flower when grown as an indoor plant. |
Leaves | The leaves are tomentose, but this cultivar has much longer hair than the species plant. |
Stems | hairy |
Maintenance | After a while, the plant will lose most of its bottom leaves. At this time, it can be cut back, and it will regrow. |
Propagation | The quickest way is tip cuttings; a slower method is whole leaf cuttings. Break off an entire leaf and lay it flat on a propagating media. It will form roots from where the leaf was attached to the stem. Eventually, a small plant will begin at this point. I can't over-emphasize eventually! |
Native Site | Madagascar |