Family: Liliaceae

Scientific Name: Maianthemum racemosum

Common Name: False Solomon's Seal


False Soloms Seal (Maianthemum racemosum) is a herbaceous perennial wildflower. Prefers to grow in moist, rich, well-drained soils in partial shade but is somewhat adaptable.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Wild Flowers
Hardiness Zone3-7
Sunlightwoodland setting or in dappled shade
Moistureaverage, moist
Soil & Siteaverage to moist, well-drained
Temperatureintolerant of hot, humid conditions
Flowersspike-like raceme, up to 20-80 small 3/8" stalked white flowers (florets), six tepals (petals) with six stamens, clusters become feathery
Fruitgreenish berries that turn an attractive ruby red in fall can be accented by dark speckles, often persisting into fall unless earlier consumed by wildlife
Leavesgreen, simple, bases are rounded to clasping or tapered, sometimes with a short petiole, tips pointed to a long tip
Dimensions2-3 feet high, spreads to form large patches
Propagationcold stratified seeds, division
Native SiteNorth America
Misc FactsGenus comes from the Greek words Maios, meaning "May," and anthemon, meaning "blossom". Genus means flowers in racemes. I still list the plant family as Liliaceae, but it has been put in the Ruscaceae family and was also in the Asparagaceae family.
Notes & Reference#65-North Woods Wildflowers (Doug Ladd), #168-Missouri Flora web site (, #191-Minnesota Wild Flowers (
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