Description | Popcorn Cassia (Senna didymobotrya) is a legume from tropical central and eastern Africa, but it is also grown as a seasonal ornamental plant in colder climates. Has racemes of yellow flowers below the dark buds. |
Pronunciation | (SEN-nuh)(did-ee-mo-BOT-ree-uh) |
Plant Type | Tropical herbaceous shrubs, Tender perennials often grown as annuals |
Hardiness Zone | 9-11 |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | moist, average |
Soil & Site | average, rich |
Temperature | tolerates light frost at best |
Flowers | yellow to golden yellow, borne in axillary racemes, bloom from the bottom to the top of the raceme, flowers below the blackish buds |
Fruit | flat brown seeds, oblong flattened legume pod |
Leaves | evenly pinnately compound (paripinnate), leaflets have mucronate apex (sharp small point), crushed foliage has the sent of popcorn (smell depends on the smeller) |
Stems | young stems pubescent |
Dimensions | in warm climates over 10 feet., half the size or less when grown as a seasonal plant, multi-branched grower |
Propagation | seeds, germination can be improved by soaking in water for 24 hours and or scarify (scratch the seed) |
Native Site | Africa, including Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. |
Misc Facts | AKA: African senna, popcorn senna, candelabra tree, peanut butter senna |
Notes & Reference | #272-Wisconsin Horticulture Extention |