Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Senna didymobotrya

Common Name: Popcorn Senna


Popcorn Cassia (Senna didymobotrya) is a legume from tropical central and eastern Africa, but it is also grown as a seasonal ornamental plant in colder climates. Has racemes of yellow flowers below the dark buds.

Plant TypeTropical herbaceous shrubs, Tender perennials often grown as annuals
Hardiness Zone9-11
Moisturemoist, average
Soil & Siteaverage, rich
Temperaturetolerates light frost at best
Flowersyellow to golden yellow, borne in axillary racemes, bloom from the bottom to the top of the raceme, flowers below the blackish buds
Fruitflat brown seeds, oblong flattened legume pod
Leavesevenly pinnately compound (paripinnate), leaflets have mucronate apex (sharp small point), crushed foliage has the sent of popcorn (smell depends on the smeller)
Stemsyoung stems pubescent
Dimensionsin warm climates over 10 feet., half the size or less when grown as a seasonal plant, multi-branched grower
Propagationseeds, germination can be improved by soaking in water for 24 hours and or scarify (scratch the seed)
Native SiteAfrica, including Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Misc FactsAKA: African senna, popcorn senna, candelabra tree, peanut butter senna
Notes & Reference#272-Wisconsin Horticulture Extention
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