Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Zinnia elegans 'Benary's Giant Wine'

Common Name: Benary's Giant Wine Zinnia


'Benary's Giant Wine' Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) is a tall garden Zinnia with large fully double wine-colored flowers. Good for cut flowers or a garden ornamental plant.

Plant TypeAnnuals, Site author's observations
Sunlightfull, half day
Moistureaverage, will tolerate drier conditions once established
Soil & Siteaverage, never soggy or poorly drained
Growing Mediaaverage patio
Temperaturedon't plant out in the garden until the weather is warm; where I live, this is late May to the beginning of June
Flowerslarge, fully double, Dahlia-type, wine-colored, good as cut flowers, depending on the age of the flower and site, it could be wine, a reddish wine to a light wine colored
Leaveslance-shaped leaves
Dimensions3-4 by 2-3 feet wide
MaintenanceZinnia elegans cultivars are susceptible to powdery mildew and grow best in areas with good air circulation and are dry. The breeders are creating new varieties that are very resistant to mildew. This Zinnia has shown minor mildew until the fall or end of the growing season. It will need to be staked.
PropagationVery easy to grow from seed and can be directed seeded into the garden. When starting indoors, plant 3-4 weeks before the date; they are to be set outdoors. The gardener best starts the taller varieties. Bedding plants that are purchased in packs that are tall and lanky with flowers don't make suitable transplants. My method is to put three seeds in a plantable pot (peat pots, biodegradable pots) and thin to one at planting time
Native SiteSpecies plant native to Mexico.
Cultivar OriginOriginate from a strain of Zinnias by Ernst Benary in Germany.
Notes & ReferenceSite author's observations and growing experience
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