Description | Catlin's Giant Ajuga (Ajuga reptans) Is a larger Ajuga with larger flowers and leaves. Forms a very tight mat of leaves that are large for Ajugas. |
Pronunciation | (a-JOO-guh)(REP-tans) |
Plant Type | Groundcovers and vines, Site author's observations, Site author's observations |
Hardiness Zone | 4-8 |
Sunlight | full to shade, deeper color in brighter light, foliage becomes crispy in hot dry sites. |
Moisture | average to moist |
Soil & Site | average to moist, not dry, well drained |
Temperature | Can winter kill or suffer from drying winter winds. A semi-protective site or mulch helps. Plants that are more protected will recover quicker in the spring |
Flowers | blue, spikes |
Leaves | burgundy-tinted large, glossy green |
Stems | stolons |
Roots | fibrous |
Dimensions | 6-8 by 12 inches (HS) |
Maintenance | control spread |
Propagation | easy by division, rooting plantlets |
Native Site | species native to Europe |
Misc Facts | This plant is also called Bugle Weed. |
Notes & Reference | #04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #68-Groundcovers for the Midwest (Voight, Hamilton, Giles) |