Description | Madagascar Periwinkle Titan series (Catharanthus roseus Titan Series) A series offering the biggest flowers in popular colors on strong plants. Bred for vigor to withstand cool, wet weather better than others, as well as summer heat, humidity, and drought. |
Pronunciation | (kat-uh-RANTH-us)(RO-zee-us) |
Plant Type | Perennial Tender, Site author's observations, Tender perennials often grown as annuals |
Hardiness Zone | 9-10 |
Flowers | colors: rose, icy pink, dark red, really red, apricot, blush, white, lilac, burgundy, polka dot, punch, lavender-blue halo |
Dimensions | 14-16 by 10-12 inches (HS) |
Misc Facts | Refer back to ABCs of Madagascar Periwinkle for additional information on growing this plant. |