Description | Pink Mulla Mulla (Ptilotus exaltatus) is a plant native to the dry, arid plains of Australia. Has cone-shaped flowers reminiscent of Celosia. |
Pronunciation | (ti-LO-tus) (ek-sal-TA-tus) |
Plant Type | Perennial Tender, Tender perennials often grown as annuals |
Hardiness Zone | 10-11 |
Sunlight | full, at least 1/2 day |
Moisture | average, dry, tolerates drought |
Soil & Site | average, dry, well-drained |
Flowers | shades of pink, look soft and fuzzy but are hard and bristly to the touch |
Leaves | fleshy succulent, silver-green, |
Dimensions | depends on cultivar, species plants in their native sites over 3 feet |
Maintenance | faded flowers appear ragged and should be deadheaded |
Propagation | seeds, root cuttings, cuttings |
Native Site | dry, arid plains of Australia |
Misc Facts | Ptilotus is derived from Greek, ptilon, down, or feathers, a reference to the appearance of the flowers. Species name exaltatus refers to the plant being erect and reaching over 3 feet in native sites. AKA: Mulla Mulla, Tall Mulla Mulla |
Notes & Reference | #51-Armitage's Manual of Annuals, Biennials, and Half-Hardy Perennials (Alan Arimitage) |