Description | Dwarf Madagascar Palm (Pachypodium) A succulent dwarf tree from dry southern Madagascar being a smaller version of the Madagascar Palm. They are not Palms. |
Pronunciation | (pak-uh-PO-dee-um) |
Plant Type | Succulents, Perennial Tender |
Hardiness Zone | 10 ? |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | average, dry |
Soil & Site | average, well-drained |
Growing Media | well-drained, cactus succulent mix |
Flowers | white, overly fragrant, tough to get to flower as a house plant, flowers on mature plants that are healthy and happy |
Leaves | can be deciduous depending on the growing conditions, plants that get very dry for periods of time may lose their leaves |
Stems | caudex, spindle-shaped, has thorns |
Propagation | seeds |
Native Site | South Madagascar |