Description | Golden Spire Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) A tight, narrow compact Gingo with branches reaching the ground. GOld fall color. |
Pronunciation | (GINGK-go)(bi-LO-baa) |
Plant Type | Trees Deciduous |
Hardiness Zone | 3-8 |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average |
Fruit | Produced on female trees and it is messy and malodorous. Since this is a male clone no fruit will be produced |
Leaves | simple, alternate, leathery, found in clusters on spurs, fan-shaped, dichotomous veined, incised at the broad fan tip and dark green, brilliant yellow in the fall |
Dimensions | 45 by 15 feet (HS), have seen it listed as low as 15 feet, probably a miss print from 15 meters |
Cultivar Origin | France |
Misc Facts | AKA: Blagdon, Maidenhair tree |
Notes & Reference | #245-Trees for American Gardens (Donald Wyman) |