Description | White trout Lily (Erythronium albidum) A white flowering form of the Trout Lily. This is an inhabitant of the moist shaded areas. The showy foliage is green with a brown-mottling. Like many woodland wildflowers this plant is ephemeral |
Plant Type | Wild Flowers |
Hardiness Zone | 3-8 |
Sunlight | semi-shade |
Moisture | moist |
Soil & Site | rich, humus, moderatly acid ph of 5-6 |
Flowers | Flower stalks arise from the center of the two basal leaves. One white, 1 1/2” bell-shaped flower per stalk. Outside of petals can be tinged with a cooper color. The pointed segments consisting of 3 petals and 3 sepals. Immature flowers form a tube; mature flowers will have curved back segments and 6 yellow to reddish stamens. Blooms in April. |
Fruit | egg-shaped, green capsule. |
Leaves | Flowering plants have two basal elliptical leaves; these are usually mottled with a reddish brown color. Immature plants have one leaf. Leaves originate from small-buried corms |
Stems | corms (in references they have listed the below ground structures as bulb, bulb-like, bulbous roots and corms) |
Dimensions | Will form large spreading patches if the area is suitable. Will reach 10" tall. |
Propagation | Remember that this is a wild flower and ethical practices of propagation should be followed. Best started using nursery propagated plants. Can be propagated by division or digging up small clumps from your garden. Can also be grown from seed which probably will need a cold stratification period (maybe even warm-cold-warm) and a few years to reach blooming size. |
Native Site | North American native wildflower. |
Author's Notes | This is one of my favorite ground cover wild flowers. A large patch of these plants blooming in April adds lots of color to the area. |
Notes & Reference | #41-Wildflowers of Wisconsin (Stan Teikiela), #61-How to recognize Flowering Wild Plants (William Carey Grimm), #65-North Woods Wildflowers (Doug Ladd) |