Family: Magnoliaceae

Scientific Name: Magnolia stellata

Common Name: Magnolia Stellata, Star Magnolia

DescriptionA small tree that is loaded with white flowers in April.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Trees Deciduous
Hardiness Zone4-9
Moistureprefers moist, average
Soil & Siteprefers moist, average
Flowerswhite, fragrant, 12-18 tepals, appear before the leaves, are delicate and often damaged by the weather, April
Leavesdark on top and light on the underside, simple, alternate, 2"-4" long, yellow fall
Stemssmooth, gray with pubescent buds
Dimensionsup to 20 feet in height by a spread of 10-15 feet, can be a dense twiggy shrub
Native SiteThe species plants are located to a limited area in the western Tokai district of Japan.
Cultivar OriginFirst cultivated in around 1862.
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr), #86-Magnolia A Gardener’s Guide (Jim Gardiner)
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