Description | Purpletop Vervain (Verbena bonariensis) A tall tender perennial often grown as an annual. I must admit I do not know if Red Top is a cultivar or another common name for the species Brazilian Vervain. I will treat it as a cultivar until proven otherwise. |
Pronunciation | (ver-BEE-nuh)(bon-ar-ee-EN-sis) |
Plant Type | Perennial Tender |
Hardiness Zone | 9-11, annual elsewhere |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average |
Flowers | bright lilac-violet, purple, borne on terminal clusters, tall strong stems |
Leaves | narrow dense leaves |
Dimensions | 4-5 feet tall |
Propagation | seeds |
Notes & Reference | #51-Armitage's Manual of Annuals, Biennials, and Half-Hardy Perennials (Armitage), #76-Annuals for Every Purpose), #109-Annuals and Tender Perennials for North American Gardens (Wayne Winterrowd) |