Family: Haemodoraceae

Scientific Name: Anigozanthos manglesii Kanga Orange

Common Name: Kanga Orange Kangaroo Paws


Kanga Orange Kangaroo Paws (Anigozanthos manglesii) is part of the "Kanga series" with bright orange flowers on tall stems.  A tender perennial that can be grown as an annual. Native to Australia. 

Plant TypePerennial Tender, Tropical herbaceous plants
Flowersorange, orange-red
Native SiteSpecies plant native to Southwest Australia growing in sand and sandy loam soils.
Cultivar OriginThe species was first described by a Scottish botanist David Don in 1834 from the type specimen.
Misc FactsRefer back to Kangaroo Paws ABC's for further information on growing this plant.
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