Family: Hydrangeaceae

Scientific Name: Hydrangea arborescens Anabelle

Common Name: Annabelle Hydrangea

DescriptionA medium sized shrub that prefers partial shade. The large white flowers occur in the late summer. A heirloom shrub.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone3-9
Sunlightprefers partial but grows nicely in full sun. Will survive in varying amounts of shade but the more shade the less the flower production.
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerslarge white globular flower heads, 4 -8 inches in diameter; go from green to white to pink to winter brown, nice dried flowers, July
Leaveslarge leaves, opposite, dark green and coarse
Stemstwiggy, suckering from the roots
Dimensions4-5 feet by 4-5 feet, can form a large colony, suckering from the roots, space 4-5 feet on center
MaintenanceThis plant should be cut flush with the ground in the late fall or early spring.
Propagationdivison, cuttings
Native SiteSpecies native to Eastern United States and has been used since 1736.
Cultivar OriginAnnabelle introduced by Joe McDanials of Champaign, IL
Author's NotesI like this shrub for the main reason it blooms late in the summer when few other shrubs are blooming. Also being shade tolerant offers an opportunity for a flowering shrub in the shade. It prefers partial sun, too much shade will cut down on the flower production. I have 5-6 in a planting by my patio. Even though thus is an older cultivars they still are very popular.
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr), #03-The Hillier Manual of Trees and Shrubs (Hillier Nursery)
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