Description | Lombarts Weeping Witch Hazel (Hamamelis vernalis)A type of Witch Hazel that grows in a pendulous mound |
Pronunciation | (ham-uh-MEE-lis) |
Plant Type | Shrubs Deciduous |
Hardiness Zone | 4 |
Sunlight | full, mostly sunny, some shade |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average |
Flowers | fragrant thread-like orange-red petals, each flower has four petals growing in tight clusters of three or four, fragrant |
Leaves | new leaves can emerge yellowish with some bronze overtons, green, fall yellow |
Dimensions | 4-5 by 6-8 feet (HS) |
Maintenance | prune after flowering |
Native Site | Vernal or Ozark witch hazels, although native to the Ozark Plateau |
Cultivar Origin | "A Dutch selection with historical ties to Pierre Lombarts Nursery where it was raised as a seedling in the mid-1940s". (Broken Arrow Nursery |
Misc Facts | Genus name comes from the Greek words hama meaning at the same time and melon meaning apple or fruit in reference to the occurrence of both fruit and flowers at the same time on this shrub (particularly in the case of fall flowering members of the genus). Genus name from Latin means spring in reference to the flower bloom. |
Notes & Reference | #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (, #217-Chicago Botanic Garden ( |