Description | Iris reticulata is a beautiful short, early spring blooming bulb. Grows best in full sun, well drained soils. |
Plant Type | Perennials Hardy, Bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizoms, etc. |
Hardiness Zone | 5-9 |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | aveage |
Soil & Site | well drained soil |
Flowers | violet, purple, blue, early April (zone #5) |
Leaves | 4-angled reaching 8"-10" at flowering time and longer after |
Dimensions | 3"-9" tall |
Maintenance | The bulbs are small and should be a planted 2"-4" deep. The bulbs can be left undisturbed for years. The bulbs require dry summers to ripen and produce buds for next year’s flowers |
Propagation | division of bulb clumps |
Native Site | Caucasus, Iran and Turkey |
Notes & Reference | #04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #40-Herbaceous Ornamental Plants (Steven Stills) |