Family: Fabaceae

Scientific Name: Vigna caracalla

Common Name: Snail Flower


Snail Flower (Vigna caracalla) A tropical vine producing pink to white flowers. Flower buds are twisted and look like a snail.

Plant TypePerennial Tender, Vines, Tropical herbaceous plants
Hardiness Zone9-12
Soil & Siteaverage
Temperaturenot frost tolerant
Flowerspink, curl in a manner somewhat resembling a snail’s shell, can be pollinated by ants, buds resemble a corkscrew or snail., fragrance depends on the nose of the smeller
Fruitbean-like pods, rounded seeds
Leaves3 leaflets, green, evergreen in frost-free zones
Stemstwinning vine
Dimensions6-8 feet or probably more depending on the hardiness zone
Maintenancein frost-free zones, it can reseed and become aggressive, must provide a supporting structure
Native Sitetropical areas of Central and South America
Misc FactsIn 1792, Thomas Jefferson wrote to Benjamin Hawkins, “The most beautiful bean in the world is the Caracalla bean which, though in England a greenhouse plant, will grow in the open air in Virginia and Carolina.” AKA: corkscrew vine, corkscrew flower, SYN: Cochliasanthus caracalla
Notes & Reference#62-Manual of Climbers and Wall Plants (J K Burras, Mark Griffiths), #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (, #150- Armitage's Vines and Climbers (Alan Armitage)
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