Family: Oxalidaceae

Scientific Name: Oxalis regnellii

Common Name: Purple Leaf False Shamrock


Purple Shamrock (Oxalis regnellii var triangularis) Although not the true Irish Shamrock, it is still a neat addition to a bright window sill. At night the leaves fold up and open during the day. Flowers do the same.

Plant TypeIndoor Foliage, Bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizoms, etc.
Hardiness Zone7b-10
SunlightPrefers bright to full. Seems to do well under a bank of 4, 40 watt fluorescent bulbs.
MoistureKeep the plant evenly moist. It will easily wilt but recovers quickly after a watering.
Growing Mediaaverage house
Temperatureaverage house
FlowersThe flowers are 1", pink fading to light pink, green throat, 5 petals and held up on a 8-9" long, thin stalk. Up to 5-6 flowers per stalk.
LeavesThe purple leaves are trifoliate, with a lighter blotch in the center, held erect on a 4-5" petiole.
StemsThe stems are subterranean elongated scaly bulbs.
DimensionsA small clumping plant that will easily fill out a 5" pot.
MaintenanceThe plants will go dormant. When this happens, restrict the watering, let the leaves die back and let the bulbs stay dormant for 2-3 weeks. Water again and they will regrow.
PropagationEasily propagated by dividing the clump of scaly bulbs when the plant has gone dormant.
Native SiteSouth America
Misc FactsIrish Shamrock, Purple Leaf False Shamrock, Purple Shamrock
Author's NotesThe leaves easily spot and stain, especially from over head watering using a fertilizer.
Notes &,
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