Description | Adorable Carnation series (Dianthus caryophyllus) is a series of fragrant compact border Carnations. |
Pronunciation | (dy-AN-thus)(kar-ee-oh-FIL-us) |
Plant Type | Annuals, Perennials Hardy |
Hardiness Zone | (5)6 |
Sunlight | full, mostly sunny |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average |
Temperature | half hardy to frost, likes cooler temperatures |
Flowers | fragrant, colors: reds, orange, yellow, white, multi-colors |
Leaves | has a silvery blue tinge |
Dimensions | 9 to 12 inches, depending on the cultivar |
Propagation | most of the cultivars are patented ,softwood cuttings are best taken from non-flowering shoots in the summer, layering |
Cultivar Origin | It seems that most of the Adorable series are patented by CFPC (California Florida Plant Company) and the breeder would be Oscar Hasegawa |
Misc Facts | AKA: Carnation Adorable Red (Dianthus). Carnation Adorable Yellow (Dianthus), Carnation Adorable Pink (Dianthus), Carnation Adorable Sari (Dianthus), Carnation Adorable Essence (Dianthus) |
Author's Notes | Albeit I have never grown this cultivar of border carnations but have grown others. Most are best treated as annuals or short lived perennials in zone #5 |