Family: Caryophyllaceae

Scientific Name: Lychinis viscaria Feur

Common Name: Fire German Catch Fly


Fire German Catch Fly (Lychinis viscaria) Blooms in early spring with brilliant clusters of reddish-pink flowers. The grass-like foliage creates a neat clump.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone3-8
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, some shade in hot climates
Moistureaverage, tolerates dry once established
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained, tolerates poor soils
Flowersintensely pink, borne on a 3-5 flowered panicle, flower stalks (scapes) are sticky and arise from the tuft of foliage
Leavestufts of grass like leaves
Dimensions15-18 by 12-15 inches (HS)
Maintenancewill reseed
Propagationseeds, division
Misc Facts"Genus name comes from the classical name said to be derived from the Greek word lychnos meaning a lamp possibly referring to the ancient use of leaves of a woolly species for wicks. Species means sticky". (#144) syn: Silene viscaria, Lychnis viscaria splendens Feuer, AKA: German Catchfly Visca Fire
Notes & Reference#144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (
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