Description | Little Goldstrum Rudbeckia (Rudbeckia fulgia) A vigorous,dwarf, compact version of the more common Rudbeckia Goldstrum. |
Pronunciation | (rud-BEK-ee-ah)(FULL-jih-dah) variety (sul-ih-VAN-tee-eye) |
Plant Type | Perennials Hardy |
Hardiness Zone | 3-8 |
Sunlight | full, mostly sunny |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average |
Flowers | 2-2.5 inches, daisy-like, golden yellow July on, borne on scapes above the foliage, very florific |
Fruit | achene |
Leaves | narrow leaves, healthy green basal foliage |
Dimensions | 12 by 20 inches (HS), mounded |
Maintenance | deadhead, may need to be cut back hard if the foliage starts to deteriorate like it's big cushion Goldstrum |
Propagation | PP22397, division |
Native Site | Species Rudbeckia native to North America |
Cultivar Origin | Little Goldstar was created by George G. Uebelhart in Schwamstedt, Germany. ‘Little Goldstar’ was selected in summer of 2009. |
Author's Notes | Have seen this Rudbeckia in many gardens. It truly is much more compact than Rudbeckia Goldstrum and very florific. |
Notes & Reference | #203- North Creek Nursery ( |